The importance of leveraging strengths at work, to enhance energy, performance, and confidence.
I’ve been banging on about Strengths for over 3 years now and there is a good reason for that. As someone who is neurodivergent, understanding and leveraging my strengths has been a game changer.
Remember that Strengths are our natural talents and abilities and when we use them wisely, we can see an increase in our energy, performance, and overall confidence. This is especially important for people with ADHD because we have spent a lifetime trying to harness and focus our capabilities and often we have felt alone, misunderstood and unsure.
This has almost certainly resulted in low self-esteem, confidence and a whole lot of masking and imposter syndrome. It’s a shit show.
When I lose focus or I’m working on something that doesn’t light my fire, I think about how I can leverage my strengths to reignite the energy either for that task or another.
Remember - for someone with ADHD, BOREDOM = KRYPTONITE (source: E. Hallowell and J. Ratey “ADHD 2.0).
I often like to sandwich Strengths based tasks with boring tasks to keep the flow going. This has resulted in a stronger ability to manage client work and the continued development of my own business - which is bloody hard work.
When you have spent a lifetime receiving a tonne of negative messages, your self-belief has taken an absolute beating. When we focus on Strengths and not Weakness we start to change the language we use. We focus on things that use our strengths to get work done - not the weaknesses which are so much harder.
There are 5 key reasons that I recommend ADHDers use their Strength Superpowers (and not just the generic ADHD strengths).
All employees, regardless of whether they are neurodivergent or not, should have the opportunity to leverage their Strengths at work. It’s our job as leaders and employers to make sure we know what they are and direct those individuals towards that work.
This is a win for Brain-friendly working.